
Showing posts from September, 2020

When Should You Buy a Car with Credit Instead of Cash?

  Many people consider buying a car as an investment, but that’s not necessarily correct. Investment makes you money.  Your car is an asset because you can sell it later for a chunk of money. Therefore, when you walk into a dealership, it’s crucial that you know how you’re going to pay for it. While paying cash may seem a good decision, buying a car with credit can be a better one.   So, when should you buy a car with credit instead of cash? Let’s find out: You have a limited budget When you want to buy your dream car, but you don’t have enough cash to pay for it, you have only one option: settle for less—and no one likes that. Now, it doesn’t mean that inexpensive cars aren’t good, but there’s a significant difference between new, high-range vehicles and older ones in terms of functionality and performance. Expanding your price will allow you to buy a better and newer car—one that you want, one you deserve—not the one that you’ll get stuck with. So, when you’re short on